Samstag, 9. Mai 2009

The Deficiency Mixes: Introduction


This is the official spot where I will host The Deficiency Mixes.

Those mixes are to be created (for a start) by me oh my unfinished from bebebeetown switzalaan.
The Deficiency Mixes will feature a stylistic range from house music, across oldskool acid techno, to rock, funk, blues, disco, punk, new wave, bassline, chanson... >put style of your preference< >dublicate previous item< >dublicate previous item<

The Deficiency mix project is supposed to be an open project for everyone with or without skill and taste, but who has the guts and bock drauf JA! to put in there mustard or mayonaise. So if you feel like making a mix that is stylistically farfar away from what you usually play, feel free to do so and send it to me ( djunfinished*At"HotmAiL*dot"cOm ). I will post all Deficiency Mixes I receive right HERE! 

fuck the hate love the creators each and all!!!!

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